The Games Machine 76
Indiana Jones
Indiana Jones.exe
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390 lines
# Jones 3D Cog Script
# Shs_Maindoor.cog Make the door to the big nave open/close.
# [JWC, SXC]
# (C) 1999 LucasArts Entertainment Company LLC. All Rights Reserved
# ========================================================================================
message activated
message startup
message touched
message timer
message arrived
keyframe leverDown=gen_lever_pull.key local
keyframe indypull=in_pull_lever.key local
sound leverPull=nub_lever_pull_c.wav local
sound leverBack=nub_lever_reset_c.wav local
sound doormove=shs_door_double.wav local
sound doorstop=shs_door_double_stop.wav local
sector doorsector
sector door0OpenSector local
sector door1OpenSector local
sector door0ClosedSector local
sector door1ClosedSector local
thing door0
thing door1
thing lever
thing indy
thing in_mk1
thing player local
thing cam1
thing c1_t1
thing c1_t2
thing touchedDoor local
vector v_dpos local # door position
vector v_ipos local # indy position
vector v_idvec local # indy-to-door vec
vector v_drvec local # door right vec
vector v_opendoor0PYR local
vector v_opendoor1PYR local
vector v_currentDoor0PYR local
vector v_closedoor0PYR local # door aim
vector v_closedoor1PYR local # door aim
vector v_door0OpenPosition local
vector v_door1OpenPosition local
vector v_door0ClosedPosition local
vector v_door1ClosedPosition local
int doorSound=-1 local
int pl_rotrate local
int bCutscenePlayed=0 local
int filter=0 local # prevent multiple activates
int curcam local
int alreadytouched=0 local
int stopclose=0 local # default to allow closing!
int open=0 local
# NOTE: doors have 4 states...
# closed --> open == 0 (init state)
# opening --> open == 1
# open --> open == 2
# closing --> open == 3
flex f_arrdoorY local # door yaw at arrival
flex f_iposcheck local # dot result indy relative to door
flex touchangle local
flex closeangle local
flex reopenangle local
flex timeratio local
flex reopentime local
flex doortime=4.0 local
flex timeTillClose=15.0 local
flex ReturnControl local
flex CloseDoors local
flex OpenDoors local
# ========================================================================================
#turn off sector
SetSectorAdjoins(doorsector, 0);
player= GetLocalPlayerThing();
// Save off the position, PYR, and sector of the door when closed.
v_closedoor0PYR = GetThingLVecPYR(door0);
v_closedoor1PYR = GetThingLVecPYR(door1);
v_door0ClosedPosition = GetThingPos(door0);
v_door1ClosedPosition = GetThingPos(door1);
door0ClosedSector = GetThingSector(door0);
door1ClosedSector = GetThingSector(door1);
// Now compute the PYR of the door when it's open.
v_opendoor0PYR = VectorSet(VectorX(v_closedoor0PYR), VectorY(v_closedoor0PYR) + 90, VectorZ(v_closedoor0PYR));
v_opendoor1PYR = VectorSet(VectorX(v_closedoor1PYR), VectorY(v_closedoor1PYR) - 90, VectorZ(v_closedoor1PYR));
if (GetCurItem(player) != 0)
return; # prevents activating with chalk
if ((GetSenderRef() == lever) && (filter == 0))
pl_rotrate = GetThingMaxRotVel(player);
filter = 1; // Only one activate message at a time, please.
curCam = GetCurrentCamera();
SetActorFlags(player, 0x200000); # paralyze him
# Disable and hide player...
StopThing(player); # right now
PlayMode(player, 1, 0); # get him into a nice stand
DeselectWeapon(player); # stow any weapon or lighter
CopyPlayerHolsters(player, indy); # make sure our actor has matching props
Sleep(0.5); # give him some time to do his stuff
# Prep camera & cut...
SetCameraLookInterp(2, 0); # kill pan & tilt to lock on 2nd target
SetCameraPosInterp(2, 0); # kill dolly mode too
SetCameraFocus(2, cam1);
SetCameraSecondaryFocus(2, c1_t1);
SetCameraFOV(65, 0, 0.0);
# Switch actor indy for player...
SetThingFlags(player, 0x80000); # hide him
ClearThingFlags(indy, 0x80000); # reveal our actor
# Indy pulls lever
PlayKey(indy, indypull, 4, 0x12, 0);
PlayKey(lever, leverDown, 4, 0x12, 0);
PlaySoundLocal(leverPull, 1.0, 0, 0x0000, 0);
PlaySoundLocal(leverBack, 1.0, 0, 0x0000, 0);
if (!bCutscenePlayed)
// Only show the doors opening the first time the player pulls the lever.
# camera moves to show doors opening
SetCameraLookInterp(2, 1); # pan & tilt
SetCameraInterpSpeed(2, 3.0);
SetCameraSecondaryFocus(2, c1_t2);
SetCameraFOV(80, 1, 3.0);
Sleep(2.0); #start before move finishes
# Look at door
SetThingMaxRotVel(indy, 100.0);
AISetLookThingEyeLevel(indy, door0);
SetSectorAdjoins(doorsector, 1);
# open doors
Call OpenDoors;
SetTimer(timeTillClose); // Timer message will close doors automatically.
if (!bCutscenePlayed)
// If we're showing the doors, wait 'till they finish opening before returning control to player.
bCutscenePlayed = 1;
Call ReturnControl;
filter = 0; // Activate messages are cool again
# Return control and camera to player
SetActorHeadPYR(indy,'0,0,0'); # reset actor head
CopyOrientAndPos(indy, player); # move player to actor's spot
SetThingFlags(indy, 0x80000);
TeleportThing(indy, in_mk1); # put actor back in spot
SetThingMaxRotVel(indy, pl_rotrate);
# prep for camera to swing back
SetCameraPosition(1, VectorAdd(VectorTransformToOrient(player, '-0.25 -0.1 0.0'), GetThingPos(player))); # x= -.25 means the camera is on the left
ClearThingFlags(player, 0x80000);
SetCameraLookInterp(2, 0); # kill pan & tilt mode
SetCameraPosInterp(2, 0); # kill dolly mode
ResetCameraFOV(0, 0.0);
ClearActorFlags(player, 0x200000);
if ((GetSenderRef() == door0) && open == 1)
// The doors were opening and have arrived.
v_currentDoor0PYR = GetThingLVecPYR(door0);
f_arrdoorY = Truncate(VectorY(v_currentDoor0PYR)); # to lowest integer degree
if (f_arrdoorY == 90)
// We're fully open, time to slam the position and orientation of the doors.
if (!bCutscenePlayed)
// This is the first time the doors have opened, so just save off the PYR and pos.
v_door0OpenPosition = GetThingPos(door0);
v_door1OpenPosition = GetThingPos(door1);
door0OpenSector = GetThingSector(door0);
door1OpenSector = GetThingSector(door1);
// Doors have opened before, force them to previous position and orientation.
SetThingPosEx(door0, v_door0OpenPosition, door0OpenSector);
SetThingPosEx(door1, v_door1OpenPosition, door1OpenSector);
SetThingLVecPYR(door0, v_opendoor0PYR); # slam it open for sure
SetThingLVecPYR(door1, v_opendoor1PYR); # slam it open for sure
open = 2; # doors are now open
StopSound(doorSound, 0.5);
doorSound = PlaySoundThing(doorstop, door0, 1.0, 4, 8, 0);
if ((GetSenderRef() == door0) && open == 3)
// The doors were closing and have arrived.
if (alreadytouched == 1)
v_currentDoor0PYR = GetThingLVecPYR(door0);
f_arrdoorY = Truncate(VectorY(v_currentDoor0PYR)); # to lowest integer degree
if (f_arrdoorY == 0)
// We're fully closed, time to slam the position and orientation of the doors.
SetThingLVecPYR(door0, v_closedoor0PYR); # slam it closed for sure
SetThingLVecPYR(door1, v_closedoor1PYR); # slam it closed for sure
SetThingPosEx(door0, v_door0ClosedPosition, door0ClosedSector);
SetThingPosEx(door1, v_door1ClosedPosition, door1ClosedSector);
open = 0; # door is now closed
StopSound(doorSound, 0.5);
doorSound = PlaySoundThing(doorstop, door0, 1.0, 4, 8, 0);
SetSectorAdjoins(doorsector, 0);
# ..............................................................................
if ((GetSenderRef() == door0 || GetSenderRef() == door1) && open == 3 && alreadytouched == 0)
// The player has run into us, see if we need to re-open the doors.
touchedDoor = GetSenderRef();
alreadytouched = 1; # suppress multiple hits
# check if Indy is touching back side of door...
v_dpos = GetThingPos(touchedDoor); # Position of door
v_ipos = GetThingPos(player); # our hero
v_idvec = VectorNorm(VectorSub(v_dpos, v_ipos)); # direction between indy & door
v_drvec = GetThingLVec(touchedDoor); # check 90 to door plane
f_iposcheck = VectorDot(v_idvec, v_drvec); # places indy in- or outside door
if (((GetSenderRef() == door0) && (f_iposcheck < 0)) || ((GetSenderRef() == door1) && (f_iposcheck > 0)))
# Don't re-open if Indy is touching back side...
alreadytouched = 0;
// Indy is in the way - better re-open...
StopThing(door0); # but first we stop it
StopThing(door1); # but first we stop it
Sleep(0.1); # let engine update
open = 1; # door is going to open again
# Get door angle at moment it's touched...
v_currentDoor0PYR = GetThingLVecPYR(door0);
closeangle = VectorY(v_closedoor0PYR);
touchangle = VectorY(v_currentDoor0PYR);
# Get rotation angle door needs to fully re-open...
# PRO TIP: the engine uses angles *backwards* from the Rotate() verb
reopenangle = ((closeangle + 90) - touchangle); # for L-doors
if (reopenangle < -360)
reopenangle = (reopenangle + 360);
# How far open...?
timeratio = (Abs(reopenangle) / 90); # what percentage?
reopentime = (doortime * timeratio); # calculate time
StopSound(doorSound, 0.5);
doorSound = PlaySoundThing(doormove, door0, 1.0, 4, 8, 0);
Rotate(door0, -reopenangle, 1, reopentime); # re-open
Rotate(door1, reopenangle, 1, reopentime); # re-open
if (stopclose != 0)
# Don't close door, but start the timer again...
SetTimer(2.0); # this amounts to a pulse
Call CloseDoors;
# ..............................................................................
if (open == 0)
Rotate(door0, -90, 1, doortime);
Rotate(door1, 90, 1, doortime);
StopSound(doorSound, 0.5);
doorSound = PlaySoundThing(doormove, door0, 1.0, 4, 8, 0);
open = 1;
alreadytouched = 0; # init every time door opens
# ..............................................................................
if (open == 2)
Rotate(door0, 90, 1, doortime);
Rotate(door1, -90, 1, doortime);
StopSound(doorSound, 0.5);
doorSound = PlaySoundThing(doormove, door0, 1.0, 4, 8, 0);
open = 3;
alreadytouched = 0; # Indy can stop it again
# ..............................................................................